Satoh Business Law Office
Takayuki Satoh, Attorney-at-Law & U.S.CPA
Takayuki Satoh, Attorney-at-Law, has extensive experience in the fields of the business transaction practices and corporate law matters. His area of expertise includes a wide range of cross-border and domestic commercial transactions, including joint ventures, loans and guarantees, licensing and distribution agreements. He also has considerable experience in the corporate reorganization and restructuring, international taxation including cross-border tax planning, tax litigations. His field of practice covers unfair competition, copyright, trademark and labor cases. He is the author of “Contract Laws and Practices”. Before admitting to the Bar, he had worked for Deloitte Touche Tohmatsu LLP, San Francisco office as a CPA.
- This web-site contains general information about Satoh Business Law office
and Takayuki Satoh, Attorney-at-Law, for clients and potential clients. This
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